This is Bratschi.

Bratschi Ltd is one of the leading and fast-growing law firms in Switzerland. We are a full-service law firm with offices in seven major business centres in Switzerland, offering our clients a wide range of first-class legal, notarial and consulting services. Our focus is on business and tax law and on advising medium-sized companies and entrepreneurs. For each mandate, we assemble the best team across locations and disciplines and attach great importance to a personal and long-term client relationship.

Our approximately 120 experienced specialists advise and represent national and international companies as well as private individuals and the public sector with great commitment. We have in-depth knowledge and many years of experience in a wide range of legal areas and industries and we are also directly involved in university teaching through our habilitated partners and consultants.

To our expertise

Our values and our aspiration

We manage our company and our mandates according to the principles of sustainability, with ecological awareness, economically good cost-benefit ratio and social commitment. Our actions are guided by decency and respect, collegiality, integrity, conscientiousness and fairness.

Think globally, act locally:
Present at seven locations in Switzerland

With offices in Basel, Berne, Geneva, Lausanne, St.Gallen, Zug and Zurich, we are regionally represented in seven important economic centres. Our teams are locally anchored and look after your interests locally. At each location, the entire nationwide expertise of all our lawyers in our firm is available to you. We work across practice and industry groups in order to deploy the most experienced and best suited lawyers for your mandate.

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Our firm is operationally led by our Managing Partner Sandra De Vito. The operational management of the firm is supported by the Management Team with the departments Finance and HR, IT, Marketing and General Secretariat. As we are an owner-managed firm, the partners' meeting with more than 50 partners represents the highest body of our firm. The strategic management and control lies with the Board of Directors.

Management Team

Amsler Alexandra

Alexandra Amsler

Company Officer
Bosshart Tatsiana

Tatsiana Bosshart

Head Finance and HR
Cagnazzo Annalisa

Annalisa Cagnazzo

Head bratschiACADEMY and General Secretariat
Moeckli Roger

Roger Möckli

Head IT

Grown to strength

Bratschi looks back on a long corporate history in Switzerland. The firm emerged in its current form in 2008 from the merger of three established law firms from Berne (Bratschi Emch), Zurich (Forster Wiederkehr) and St.Gallen (Buob Staub & Partner). The merger of these three pillars resulted in today's Bratschi Ltd, one of the leading and fast growing law firms in Switzerland. Today, with the exception of the Italian region, the firm covers the whole of Switzerland geographically and can count a complete range of legal and specialist areas as well as regional relationship networks among its exceptional strengths.

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