Sandra De Vito

lic. iur., LL.M.
Attorney-at-Law Partner Managing Partner Delegate of the Board of Directors Member of the Board of Directors
Languages: German English French Italian
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Sandra De Vito has worked in the field of civil litigation (including white collar crime where the strategy of a case calls upon) and national as well as international arbitration for 25 years.

She also advises companies as well as members of management and boards of directors in extensive administrative and criminal investigations including internal investigation proceedings.

Her clients include companies and entrepreneurs mainly in the financial, industrial, energy, telecoms and commodities sectors. She advises on disputes arising from M&A transactions, licensing and joint venture agreements, agency agreements, purchase agreements, production and construction projects. Sandra De Vito has acted as chairperson, party and sole arbitrator and counsel in more than 100 arbitrations, mainly in ICC, Swiss Rules, VIAC and ad hoc arbitrations as well as in domestic arbitrations and has supervised more than 40 arbitrations in her capacity as a member of the Court of Arbitration of the Swiss Arbitration Centres.

Admitted to the Swiss Bar since 2000.
  • Managing Partner, Bratschi (since 2021)
  • Partner, Bratschi (since 2012)
  • Partner, Rohner Attorneys-at-Law (2009-2012)
  • Associate, Altenburger LTD legal + tax, Zurich (2007-2009)
  • Associate, Bär & Karrer AG, Litigation / Arbitration department (2000-2006)
  • In-house counsel in the legal department of a globally active biotechnology company (2004)
  • LL.M., London School of Economics and Political Science (2003)
  • lic. iur., University of Zurich (1998)
  • D.E.A., Robert Schuman University, Strasbourg, France (1995)
  • Chairperson in ICC proceedings between a German and French party concerning the purchase of metal components for the construction of a loading platform
  • Chairperson in ICC proceedings between a German party and an Eastern European state concerning service/software contracts
  • Co-arbitrator in Swiss Rules proceedings regarding a dispute related to the construction of an industrial plant in the Ukraine
  • Sole arbitrator in ICC proceedings regarding a dispute related to an aviation agreement
  • Sole arbitrator in Swiss Rules proceedings in a dispute between a company from Cyprus and a Swiss company related to a contract for services of a platform shipment
  • Counsel in an ICC proceeding concerning the construction of hydroelectric power plants in Turkey
  • Counsel in an investment treaty arbitration against the Kosovar State
  • Sole arbitrator in Swiss Rules proceedings regarding a sales representation agreement between an Italian and a German company
  • Counsel in an ICC proceeding regarding disputes in the telecom industry over agency agreement
  • Chair of the arbitral tribunal in an ICC proceeding between a Polish and a German company regarding supply contract in a large-scale shipbuilding project
  • Representation of private investors in national and international cryptocurrency fraud schemes, external asset managers, pyramid schemes
  • Representation of a member of the group management in an administrative criminal investigation
  • Representation of several members of the board of directors of a financial institution in an administrative investigation
  • Management of an internal investigation in a major construction company
  • Member of the Swiss Commission of Arbitration & ADR of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) (since July 2024) 
  • Member of the Special Committeee of the Swiss Arbitration Center (formerly Swiss Chambers' Arbitration Institution) (2020-2022)
  • Co-Head Bratschi Arbitration Practice Group (2012-2021)
  • Member of the Court of Arbitration of the Swiss Arbitration Center (formerly Swiss Chambers' Arbitration Institution SCAI) (2012-2020)
  • Organizer of the yearly Conference on International Arbitration of the Europe Institute of the University of Zurich (2013-2019)
  • Lecturer at the Schweizerische Richterakademie (2013-2015)
  • Vice-President of the Arbitration Committee of AIJA (2010-2013)
  • Co-founder of the Arbitration Forum – by ASA local groups
  • Co-founder of the «Innovation Conference on International Arbitration» of SCAI
  • Lecturer at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences as part of the CAS Paralegal course (2004-2008)
  • Figures in the ICC National Committee (Switzerland) list of arbitrators
  • recommended for «Arbitration» by Lexology Index - Arbitration Report (2025)
  • recommended for «Arbitration» and «Commercial Litigation» by Who's Who Legal Switzerland (2024)
  • recommended as «Arbitration Counsel» by Chambers Global (2024)
  • recommended as «Arbitration Counsel» by Chambers Europe (2024)
  • Sandra De Vito Bieri is appreciated by peers and clients for being «a very calm and focused lawyer, who is also extremely responsive, and identifies the relevant issues quickly». Who's Who Legal (2023)
  • recommended as «Thought Leaders – Switzerland – Arbitration 2023» von Who's Who Legal (2023)
  • recommended as «Thought Leaders – Switzerland – Commercial Litigation 2023» von Who's Who Legal (2023)
  • WWL Arbitration 2023: «Sandra is highly professional and a very talented practitioner», «she is hardworking, responsive, accurate and tenacious»
  • recommended as «Switzerland - Best Arbitrators: International Arbitration» by Leaders League (2022)
  • recommended as «Arbitration Counsel» by Chambers Global (2022): «Sandra De Vito Bieri represents clients in commercial disputes in the IT, construction and manufacturing sectors.» A satisfied client reports: «She is an excellent practitioner with impressive knowledge of arbitration proceedings« and adds: «She is a very customer-oriented legal expert who guides the client to find the most reasonable solutions taking into account the legal, business and commercial aspects.»
  • Who's Who Legal Switzerland, Who's Who Legal Arbitration and Who's Who Legal Litigation write: «Sandra De Vito Bieri is praised for her expertise and dedication in various directories and is esteemed and recommended by her clients as a leading expert.»
  • recommended as «Arbitration Counsel» by Chambers Europe (2022)
  • recommended as «Switzerland - Arbitration 2022», «Switzerland - Commercial Litigation 2022» and Who's Who (2022): «Sandra De Vito Bieri stands out as very talented and hands-on practitioner» «an excellent reputation in Zurich and beyond» and «With over 20 years of experience in the field, Sandra De Vito Bieri is well versed in resolving complex disputes arising from M&A transactions, joint venture agreements and large-scale construction projects».
  • recommended as «Thought Leaders – Arbitration 2021» by Who's Who Legal (2021): «Sandra De Vito Bieri is a brilliant and very solution-oriented practitioner with vast experience litigating in complex M&A disputes and criminal investigations» and «very skilled, diligent and persuasive first-rate arbitrator», «very dynamic and quick thinker», «highly recommended; wonderful personality and brilliant when it comes to cases».
  • recommended for «Dispute Resolution - Litigation» by Legal500 (2021): «Working with Sandra DeVito Bieri is a pleasure, because she is an experienced and reliable partner with the ability to present the complex legal issues in the most comprehensive and business-friendly way.»
  • Chambers Global (2021): «Sandra De Vito Bieri represents clients in commercial disputes in the telecommunications, media and tourism sectors.» Interviewees highlight her experience in arbitrations, before describing her as a «very efficient practitioner, very quick and nice to work with».
  • Legal500 (2020): «Sandra De Vito Bieri is an experienced lawyer and the recommendations provided by her are precise, reliable and always on time.»
  • Chambers Global (2020): «Sandra De Vito Bieri of Bratschi Ltd. represents clients in contractual arbitrations, acting for both respondents and claimants. Interviewees report that she «provides quick and good-reasoned advice and was able to produce very good working results despite time constraints.» She has a number of clients from the technology and telecommunications sectors.»
  • recommended as «Dispute Resolution - Arbitration Counsel» by Chambers Europe (2020)
  • Sandra De Vito Bieri is «a really outstanding practitioner» who wins glowing praise for her «very structured, strategic and hands-on Approach». One peer remarks: «She has a great grasp of the business behind cases.» (2020)
  • Sandra De Vito Bieri «is a reliable practitioner and a results-achiever who goes the extra mile for her clients as counsel». (2020)
  • Sandra De Vito Bieri achieves significant recognition from Swiss peers this year for her superb arbitration practice. She is highlighted as «a very talented practitioner with a lot of experience». (2019)
  • Sandra De Vito Bieri is endorsed as «one of the best arbitrators in Switzerland» by peers, who describe her as «highly experienced and pragmatic arbitration practitioner». (2019)
  • Sandra De Vito Bieri is «one of the best lawyers in Switzerland» according to sources who consider her «very impressive as counsel» as well as «a top choice for arbitrator». (2018)
  • She is a «focused and accessible practitioner» who wins praise for her skills as «a great case strategist». (2018)
  • recommended for «Dispute Resolution - Litigation» by Legal500 (2018)
  • Legal500 (2018): «The brilliant and straight-to-the-point Sandra De Vito is a team player and understands the balance between cost and the requested results.»
  • Member of ASA (Swiss Arbitration Association)
  • Member of the Swiss and Zurich Bar Associations
  • Member of ArbitralWomen
  • Member of Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit DIS
  • Member of Liechtensteinisches Institut für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit LIS

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