
Spring reception 2019 in Zurich

03. June 2019

On Wednesday, May 22, 2019, Christian Gansch introduced us and our guests to the world of orchestral music.

Following a short welcome speech by > Sandra De Vito Bieri, partner and member of the Board of Directors of Bratschi AG, Christian Gansch, conductor, producer, and four-time Grammy Award winner, gave a presentation entitled «From solo to symphony - what companies can learn from orchestras», giving profound insights into the successful collaboration and orchestration of highly specialized musicians and how they can ultimately only create something great together that is perceived as effortless by the listener if they have respect and loyalty.

Christian Gansch knew how to convey the message of how to get from solo to symphony in an extremely virtuoso and lively manner. He skillfully accompanied his explanations with examples of music that brought the theory to life in a clear and vivid way. Gansch also had a keen understanding of how to cast a spell on the audience with Viennese humor and accentuated wit and to entertain them in the best possible way - «Jaws» in the form of our photographer remains unforgotten.

Christian Gansch then answered questions from the enthusiastic guests. A drinks reception including an apero riche offered everyone the opportunity to continue and deepen the discussion.

> Artikel in Bilanz 06/2019 (PDF)



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Appointed: Sport Resolutions International Panel

We are pleased to announce that our partner Marco Vedovatti has been appointed to the Sport Resolutions International Panel. 

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