
Constitutional and Municipal Law

State and municipal law encompasses the constitutional foundations and administrative organization at all federal levels (Confederation, cantons and municipalities). A variety of different issues can arise in these areas for both local authorities and private individuals – for example in connection with the responsibilities of various state bodies, with political rights or with the financing of public tasks.

Our expertise includes, in particular, the organization and responsibilities of the various local authorities and their legislative and executive bodies, the constitutional law of the three federal levels of government, the legislative processes within the local authorities as well as municipal, cantonal and federal financial budget law. Our clients include local authorities at all federal levels as well as outsourced public authorities and private companies and individuals who are affected by issues of state or municipal law. We provide our clients with comprehensive advice and support in state and municipal law – for example in legislative projects, in public finance law, in voting complaints, in the coordination of various responsibilities and cooperation with other municipalities (e.g. in special-purpose associations), in the spin-off of administrative units into independent institutions or in questions relating to constitutional rights and municipal regulations.

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We are pleased to inform you that Bratschi Ltd. has received multiple awards in the 2024 edition of the prestigious «Legal 500» ranking.

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