Ulrich Keusen gained his first experience with the cantonal administration (administrative and judicial proceedings) after passing his bar exam in 1994 until 2005. With this background, he entered the legal profession in 2000 and has broadened his knowledge of administrative law, both at communal, cantonal and federal level.
Since then, he has also worked as a legal counsel in a firm for spatial planning, transport, environment and municipal law, where he can contribute his expertise as well as management experience. He has been responsible for human resources at the Bern site of Bratschi AG since 2008.
In 2012, he trained as a specialist lawyer SAV Construction and Real Estate Law, which allowed him to create an additional focus in private construction law.
Ulrich Keusen is experienced in the management of complex projects as well as administrative and administrative appeal proceedings under public law, namely construction and planning proceedings (including environmental protection law, nature and heritage protection law, water protection, hydraulic engineering, etc.). He has in-depth know-how, particularly in procurement law issues, and is active in an advisory and litigation capacity.