Construction is becoming more and more complex and demanding. Laws have to be complied with and permits obtained. With our in-depth specialist knowledge, wealth of experience and multidisciplinary approach, we offer companies professional and comprehensive advice and support in line with their needs in order to ensure the successful realization and management of their projects.
At Bratschi Ltd, the focus is on you and your interests: Your needs form the basis of the consulting offered by our specialists from the Industry Group Construction, Real Estate and Hotels. In order to show you solution approaches that are as simple and transparent as possible, we always view issues and challenges concerning plots of land, properties, infrastructure facilities, building constructions and the like from a holistic perspective. This means that alongside legal matters we also include economic and financial aspects in our work.
Contact Partner: Markus Aeschbacher, Thomas Schönenberger
Die in den Bau- und Zonenordnungen statuierten Grenzabstände verunmöglichen aus Sicht der bauwilligen Grundeigentümer im Einzelfall eine bestmögliche Ausnützung einer Parzelle. Die Grenzabstände dürfen jedoch, in der Regel mit Ausnahme gegenüber Nichtbauzonen, vertraglich reduziert oder aufgehoben werden. Entsprechend besteht die Möglichkeit, dass mit dem Eigentümer eines Nachbargrundstücks eine Aufhebung oder Reduzierung der Grenzabstände durch Einräumung eines gegenseitigen oder einseitigen Näher- oder Grenzbaurecht vereinbart wird.
WWL identifies the leading experts in individual areas of law based on recommendations from clients, colleagues, in-house counsel and other market sources.
Yotel, a hotel chain based in the UK, has opened a few days ago its first hotel in Switzerland, at Geneva lake. The hotel consists of 237 rooms, F&B offerings with a restaurant and seafood bar and upscale meeting spaces with a banqueting & conference center, a rooftop space and an auditorium.
Fundamenta Group, headquartered in Zug and offices in Munich, is an independent asset manager active in Switzerland and Germany focusing on real estate and private wealth. They have recently separated its real estate division and subsequently sold this division to SPS, the leading real estate company in Switzerland.