Tanja Frischknecht

Attorney at law Partner Notary
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Frischknecht Tanja


Tanja Frischknecht studied law at the University of Lucerne and was subsequently admitted to the bar of the Canton of St.Gallen in 2019. She advises and litigates heavily in family law as well as private construction and real estate law. In family law matters, her focus is in particular on advising and conducting litigation in separation (matrimonial protection), divorce and children matters. In private construction and real estate law, she advises both companies and private individuals in all areas of tenancy law as well as in disputes concerning contracts for work and represents them in the corresponding proceedings before civil courts.

Admitted to the Swiss Bar since 2019.
  • Partner at Bratschi Ltd. (since 2022)
  • Attorney-at-Law and Notary public at Bratschi Ltd. (since 2019)
  • Trainee lawyer at Bratschi Ltd. (2017-2018)
  • Clerkship at the Cantonal Court of Appenzell Ausserrhoden (2016-2017)
  • Master of Law, University of Lucerne (2014-2016)
  • Exchange semester at Temple University, Philadelphia (2015)
  • Bachelor of Law, University of Lucerne (2010-2013)
  • recommended for «Real Estate and Construction» by Legal500 (2024)

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