Marco Giavarini

lic. iur.
Attorney at law Partner
Languages: German English French
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Giavarini Marco


Marco Giavarini advises clients primarily in the area of real estate law. One focus of his practice is landlord and tenant law, where he mainly represents institutional and private landlords as well as commercial tenants.

Other areas of practice include construction and work contract law, general contract law and civil procedure law.

Marco Giavarini acts in an advisory and litigation capacity.

Admitted to the Swiss Bar since 1990.
  • Partner at Bratschi Ltd. (since 2022)
  • Partner at Lexportal, Basel (2017-2022)
  • Partner at Schülin Strauss Achermann Giavarini, Basel (2008-2017)
  • Partner at Eulau Kaufmann Giavarini & Recher, Basel (1990-2008)


  • Lic. iur. magna cum laude, University of Basel (1986)
  • Lecturer in the property management course of SVIT School Ltd. in Basel (since 2021)
  • Member of the editorial board of the journal MietrechtAktuell (MRA), SVIT Verlag Ltd., Zurich (since 2014)
  • Lecturer in the assistant and clerk course «Bewirtschaftung von Mietliegenschaften» of SVIT School Ltd. in Basel (since 2001)
  • Commission member in the arbitration board for rental matters of the canton of Basel-Landschaft (landlord representative, since 1994)
  • recommended for «Commercial, Corporate and M&A» by Legal500 (2024)
  • Bar association of both Cantons of Basel
  • Swiss Lawyers Association
  • Pro Iure

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