Markus Aeschbacher

lic. iur. HSG, LL.M. (Georgetown)
Certified Specialist SBA Construction and Real Estate Law
Attorney-at-Law Partner
Co-Head Construction, Real Estate and Hotels
Languages: German English French
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Aeschbacher Markus


For many years, Markus Aeschbacher has been practicing in the field of construction and real estate law, with a focus on real estate transactions, construction and planning contracts, turnkey and general contractor agreements, tenancy law as well as plant engineering and construction. His national and international clients predominantly include property developers, investors, real estate companies and major construction companies. He also has extensive experience in general contract and commercial law.

Markus Aeschbacher represents parties in national and international disputes before civil and administrative courts and arbitral tribunals.

Admitted to the Swiss Bar since 2002.
  • Partner, Bratschi Ltd. (2020)
  • Partner, HMP Hartmann Müller Partner, Zurich (2009)
  • Associate attorney, HMP Hartmann Müller Partner, Zurich (2003)
  • Associate attorney, Staiger Schwald & Roesle, Zurich (2002)
  • Trainee, law firm, St.Gallen (2000)
  • Law Clerk, District Court of Wil (SG) (1999)
  • Trainee, UBS (former SBC) (1996)
  • Certified Specialist SBA Construction and Real Estate Law (2013)
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Construction and Real Estate Law, Institut of Swiss and International Construction Law, University of Fribourg (2012)
  • LL.M. - International Legal Studies, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington D.C. (2006)
  • lic. iur. HSG, University of St.Gallen (1999)
  • Head Real Estate EMEA at Multilaw ( since 2021
  • recommended for «Real Estate and Construction» by Legal500 (2024)
  • recommended for «Real Estate and Construction» by Legal500 (2023)
  • highly recommended «Switzerland - Best Law Firms for Real Estate - 2023» by Leaders League
  • recommended for «Real Estate and Construction» by Legal500 EMEA 2022: «Markus Aeschbacher: Availability and great experience of many years in the field. Excellent negotiator. Close to his clients. Always gives pragmatic advice.»; «Marco Colombini and Markus Aeschbacher are providing an excellent level of service, have very short response times and are able to rapidly grasp the relevant issues.»
  • highly recommended «Switzerland - Best Law Firms for Real Estate - 2022» by Leaders League
  • recommended for «Real Estate and Construction» by Legal500 (2021)
  • highly recommended «Switzerland - Best Law Firms for Real Estate - 2021» by Leaders League
  • recommended Lawyer for «Real Estate and Construction» by Legal500 EMEA 2020: «Markus Aeschbacher is a real expert. He is able to immediately see the decisive point in a case and resolve disputes pragmatically and efficiently.»
  • recommended Lawyer for «Real Estate and Construction» by Legal500 EMEA 2019: «’Highly specialised and thorough contracts lawyer’ Markus Aeschbacher provides ‘a flexible and diverse range of solutions in order to meet special needs’ [...].»
  • Swiss Bar Association
  • Zurich Bar Association
  • Specialist Group for Construction & Real Estate Law of Zurich Bar Association
  • Chamber of Specialist Lawyers SBA in Construction and Real Estate Law
  • Chamber of Independent Builder Consultants (KUB/SVIT)

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